Point detonating quick/delay fuze of Mortar

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Thawee Deejamala


     The objectives of this research are 1) to create knowledge and technology for developing point detonating quick/delay fuze of Mortar 2) to develop and produce point detonating quick/delay fuze of Mortar 3) a guideline for producing point detonating quick/delay fuze of Mortar. The features and capabilities of point detonating quick/delay fuze of Mortar would be qualified military standards and to be brought into the production line. In this research, reverse engineering is method for analyzing technical data and other information. There are two main related mechanical parts. The function of the first part is for safety and the second part is for detonator when impacting the target and leading to various defects from the feasibility study in the past to improve. The development focuses on mechanical components to be able to work efficiently and accurately.  Regarding the various parts of the mechanical mechanism relatively small, the high accuracy and precision machine is very important for determine production process of various parts. The fuzes are made domestically In addition, it has developed explosive convoys with explosive power suitable for various type of mortar. From the research, knowledge is to enable the personnel of Weapon Production Centre, Defence Industry and Energy centre to produce point detonating quick/delay fuze of Mortar. The result reveals that the fuze performs well accounting for 97 percent of success.

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