Design and Efficiency Evaluation of Single Plane Balancing Laboratory

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pijirawuch wiengchanda
Rittirong Ariyatanapol
Vinai Sathatachotinun
Watana Noithong


The objectives of this research aimed to design and evaluate the efficiency of Single Plane Balancing Laboratory. The laboratory set includes the Single Plane Balancing Laboratory, information sheet, worksheet, laboratory sheet, exercise sheet and examination sheet. The research methodology was designed to five levels questionnaire with Likert rating scales to investigate 6 experts’ opinion for quality of Single Plane Balancing Laboratory. The quality evaluation results show that the overall quality was in the highest quality level with average score of 4.31 (S.D. = 0.31). The satisfaction and efficiency evaluation of Single Plane Balancing Laboratory performed the experiment with 32 students of sampling group. The average satisfaction with Single Plane Balancing Laboratory was at a high level. The mean was 4.01 and the standard deviation was 0.62. The efficiency analysis reveals that the process efficiency (E1) about 84.06% and outcome efficiency (E2) about 86.52% are higher than expectation (80/80). It can be concluded that the single plane balancing laboratory is qualified for teaching.

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