A Demonstration of The Ship’s Piping Systems Using Augmented Reality Technology

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jitti sampattakul
Perapong Promchan


The objective of this paper is to develop a demonstration of the ship’s piping systems using augmented reality technology for personnel training in order to enhance their skills and reduce training costs. This paper also mentions the operating procedures such as studying the ship’s piping systems, creating a 3D model, using AR technology and building a program package allowing personnel to learn the systems by using their own smartphones. The programs using for this research are Sketchup, Maya and Unity Engine. After the package is built and installed into the user’s smartphone, the user uses the smartphone’s camera and points to the reference picture to display the 3D ship and piping systems. The result of this research allows us to gain benefits from applying AR technology to the ship’s piping systems. However, the limitations of hardware and the details of ship’s piping systems are mentioned for future development.

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