A Nd : YAG Laser System Study by Laser Diode Side Pumped

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Weera Boonpud


Nd:YAG laser is one type of solid state laser. The energy for pumping the Nd:YAG crystal is obtained only from the light source, a new technology of Nd:YAG laser, that is the continuous wave (CW) diode - pumped Nd:YAG laser has been developed. The diode laser which emits the laser radiation at the wavelength of 808 nm is used to pump the Nd:YAG rod. It pump Nd3+ in the Nd:YAG rod from ground state to metastable state(4F3/2) , then it makes transition from 4F3/2 state to 4I11/2 state by stimulated emission and radiate the laser beam at the wavelength of 1064 nm. The CW diode - pumped 4I11/2 Nd:YAG laser is considered as a high efficiency laser system. The advantage of this laser system is a tiny laser system in comparison with the conventional flashlamp - pumped solid state laser system.

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Research Ariticles


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