The Effect of Fouling on an Increase in Skin Frictional Drag on a Ship’s Hull and the Reduction Techniques

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Suttipong Paksuttipol


A ship’s hull is typically covered by fouling even though it is protectd by anti-fouling systems and this results in an increase in skin frictional drag, higher fuel consumption and eventually an extra operational cost. In this paper, the approaches to cope with ship’s hull fouling in the past such as anti-fouling ship-building materials and anti-fouling paints are provided with their limitations. Furthermore, the effects of fouling on an increase in skin frictional drag are presented in both terms of ship performance and an operating cost. It is found that, in the study of the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer, even the presence of small calcareous fouling or weed could generate an increase of 31% in shaft power and the operation cost of dealing with a fouling issue could be as high as US$ 2.4 million per ship per year. Three noticeable techniques of skin frictional drag reduction, namely air layer, outer-layer vetical blades and polymer additives, are introduced with the basic concepts. It is observed that the fully-continuous air layer could reduce more than 80% in the local frictional drag.

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