Evaluation Methods Using Electrodermal Activity for Interface Design of Autonomous Vehicles
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Studies on human behavior in automated vehicles and advanced vehicle control are required as automated driving is expected to become more widespread. For example, Level 2 automated vehicles require constant monitoring to ensure the driver takes appropriate action in an emergency, even when driving hands-free. Constant monitoring will likely lead to stress and mental fatigue in the driver. However, proposing a human interface suitable for automated vehicles may reduce the driver’s mental fatigue. Evaluation methods are crucial for optimal interface development. In this study, we examined the effectiveness of biological responses and a questionnaire to detect the psychological manner in which drivers of automated vehicles use a driving simulator. The measurement results of the subjects mental fatigue obtained using the questionnaire and 0.05 to 0.6 μS as SCR response amplitudes showed that moving up from Level 1 to 2 of automated driving does not necessarily decrease the driver’s mental load.
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