Announcement of an Article Processing Charge (APC)
Please be notified that JRAME will charge an Article Processing Charge (APC) fee of 7,000 Baht or the equivalent in original author currency for manuscripts submitted to the JRAME submission system after 31 December 2025. Authors are informed about the fee at the time of acceptance. (Announced on: 10/03/2025)
Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering (JRAME) changes in publication frequency in 2025
JRAME had regularly published two issues per year from 2014 to 2024. We are pleased to announce that the journal will be publishing three issues per year from 2025 onward. The journal has been continuously improved and gained more attention from international readers and authors. The journal focuses on important mechanical engineering issues. JRAME aims to provide potential authors with the opportunity to publish results of research, applications, ideas, and innovations related to mechanical engineering, as well as the development of classical and new theories, methodologies, and techniques in the field. (Announced on: 26/11/2024)
“Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering” has been accepted for inclusion in Scopus “(Accepted date, 1 Oct, 2023)”
We are pleased to announce that “Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering” has been accepted for inclusion in the Scopus database. The journal editorial team is deeply grateful to the TCI-TSRI-Scopus Collaboration Project (Phase 2), Thai-Journal Citation Index (TCI) Center, and the local board for their constructive feedback contributing to the journal quality improvement. We are now in the process of waiting for license agreement with Scopus for content indexing. The editorial team will keep our authors posted once the indexing process is commenced.
The Editorial Team
Call for papers of the TSME-ICoME 2023
In 2023, the 13th TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (TSME-ICoME 2023) will be co-organized by the Thai Society of Mechanical Engineers (TSME) and Chiang Mai University. It will be held in Chiang Mai, one of the most attractive cities in Thailand. The conference will again bring together scientists, academics, researchers, and industry representatives to share knowledge and expertise in mechanical engineering and related disciplines. Publish your work with us in the TSME-ICoME Conference Proceedings, AIP Conference Proceedings (indexed in SCOPUS), or Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering (JRAME).
Abstracting and indexing
The Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering (JRAME) was approved for inclusion in Tier 1 on Science and Technology by the Thai-Journal Citation Index (TCI, The journal will be indexed in TCI until 31 December 2024. The journal is also indexed in the ASEAN citation index (ACI, and Google Scholar.
Submission system
Beginning in June 2018, the Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering (JRAME) changed its submission and reviewing platform from the Thai Society of Mechanical Engineers (TSME) system to the ThaiJo system (ThaiES).