Influence of Inserted Different Ribs Configuration in 2D Horizontal Channel on Characteristics Turbulent Fluid Flow and Forced Heat Transfer: A Numerical Investigation
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The current study deals with the analysis of a two-dimensional (2D) single-phase turbulent airflow in a channel having ribs of different configurations. COMSOL Multiphysics software was used to investigate all cases that were carried out numerically using the standard k-ε model. Several parameters were studied as a variable function against the Reynolds number in ranges (9000 to 18000), including the rate of heat transfer, friction factor, and pressure difference of all rib shapes compared to the empty channel. The shape plays an important role in the characteristics of fluid flow and heat transfer distribution and the circular rib shows better heat transfer performance and friction factor compared to the normal channel and other designs, therefore, the circular design ensures improved thermal-hydraulic performance. Also, the percentage of increase in the heat transfer rate represented by Nusselt number (71.48, 69.99, and 67.29%) for rib designs (quarter circle, square, and triangle) respectively compared to the channel without ribs. As the Reynolds number rises, the pressure drop across the fluid entry-exit zone of the channel is influenced by the ribs being inserted inside as well as when the channel is empty.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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