Towards Inclusive Transportation: Smart Steps for Elderly Commuters in the Public Transport Buses
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This paper addresses a significant issue prevalent among elderly populations worldwide: the fundamental accessibility of public transportation. This accessibility remains a cause for concern since many countries primarily procure buses designed to serve the younger demographic, with limited consideration for the elderly. One prominent challenge arises from the elevated floor height of these buses, resulting in high steps and multiple stairs, rendering boarding nearly impossible for elderly and disabled individuals. In such cases, boarding often necessitates assistance from another person. These factors not only impede the personal and social development of elderly individuals but also restrict their participation in society. To tackle this issue, the authors have undertaken the task of designing and developing a functional prototype that can be retrofitted onto buses to ensure safe travel for the elderly. The system's initial creation involved the use of 3D modelling software, followed by a comprehensive structural stability analysis conducted through the ANSYS Workbench. Subsequently, the authors fabricated the physical prototype. It is worth noting that the system operates efficiently, reducing boarding and deboarding times to about one minute each during the laboratory trials.
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