Radiant Floor and Traditional Cooling System Applications in Agricultural Product Storages
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The fluctuated temperatures and relative humidity inside storages are not suitable for food and agricultural products since these parameters directly affect product moisture contents, freshness, and integrity. With a limited amount of research, in this work, traditional vapor compression (fixed- and variable-speed compressors) and radiant floor cooling systems were experimentally investigated as solo and combined systems in no heat load and heat-loaded cooling-storage rooms. The latter systems were newly introduced in storage applications. When the compression systems were examined, they were set at 18°C and 22°C to find their operating effects. The results showed that the radiant floor cooling systems not only assisted both compression systems to consume less energy, but the floor cooling systems also created fewer fluctuating conditions. The combined systems were highly recommended to be used in storages containing products that were sensitive to fluctuating conditions such as ready-to-eat and fresh fruit products. The energy consumption investigation imparted valuable information for operation costs.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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