Investigating Adaptive CPG-based Control of a Snake Robot with Switch Signal Input for Maneuvering in Varying Environments

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P. Ngamkajornwiwat
N. Pothita


This study makes an essential contribution to robotics by revealing how to manage snake robots using adaptive Central Pattern Generators (CPGs) with switch signal input. The work optimizes CPG hyperparameters, characterizing robot behavior to improve navigation in obstacles and limited areas. Three indices are used to evaluate parameter adjustments: index based on moving time, index based on movement frequency, and index based on movement path. Quantitative investigation reveals how these hyperparameters influence the efficiency and adaptability of snake robots across situations. The findings emphasize the effectiveness of the proposed methodology by emphasizing quantitative values resulting from parameter modifications. The work uses stringent testing criteria to identify ideal parameter values (𝜇 = 0.8, A = 0.007, B = 0.005), boosting the approach's resilience and applicability.

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How to Cite
Ngamkajornwiwat, P., & Pothita, N. (2024). Investigating Adaptive CPG-based Control of a Snake Robot with Switch Signal Input for Maneuvering in Varying Environments. Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering, 12(2), JRAME–24. retrieved from


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