Synthesis of BDF Based on Microwave Irradiation and Its Application
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BDF (Bio-diesel Fuel) is expected to be an alternative fuel to diesel oil through methyl esterification. Currently, the alkaline catalyst such as sodium hydroxide is widely used to produce BDF. However, problems of complicated manufacturing process and large quantity of water needed for aftertreatment are faced. Therefore, the objective of this study is to propose a microwave irradiation method for synthesizing BDF based on the eggshells solid catalysts, by which BDF aftertreatment is not needed and water can be saved. In the experiment, firstly, eggshells were prepared to solid catalysts and characterized by SEM and X-ray Diffractometer. Secondly, BDF was synthesized by microwave irradiation and BDF yield ratios under several experimental conditions were quantitatively analysed by GCMS. Finally, exhaust gas concentration of using diesel oil and BDF as fuels for a wagon with a diesel engine was measured. As a result, it was found that BDF yield ratio under microwaves radiation could reached 99.58% and CO2 emission was lower for BDF than for diesel oil while NOx emission was lower for diesel oil than for BDF.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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