The design and analysis of the screw conveyor blade for the small rice milling machine
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The objective of this study was to design and analyze a screw conveyor blade for a small rice milling machine using Finite Element Analysis. The machine consists of a hopper with a cover, housing, the main structure support and a power transmission unit. The geometry of the machine was developed using Autodesk Inventor software. The model analysis for Finite Element Analysis was analyzed using Stress Analysis. Appropriate materials were selected for the components and design analysis was carried out. The maximum Von Mises stresses on the screw conveyor for the galvanized steel and stainless-steel materials were 1.649 and 1.645 MPa, respectively, and the maximum value of total deformation was 0.001998 and 0.001993 mm when a force of 9 N was applied to the screw conveyor and the main support of the structure. The result of FEA prediction leads to the comparison of the results of the analytical and experimental model.
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