The computational modelling in the prediction of flow past a rotating sphere at high Reynolds number
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The present study has been purposed to predict the convective flow past a rotating sphere at high Reynolds numbers of 10,000, 70,026 and 96,000. The turbulence effects have been examined using the Reynolds stress model (RSM), and strengthens the model effectiveness on strongly curvature surface flow, which the individual form of fluctuation terms have been provided in the second moment closer relating to each physical reason. The RSM has been also used in combination with the strategies of near-wall turbulence of standard log-law-based obtaining the lower computational resource. The predicted result has been assessed through comparisons with available experimental and the present U-RANS approach. The RSM presents a high accuracy result in 3 dimensional flow according to the unpredictable aerodynamic forces along with time history. The lift (CL), drag (CD) and side force (CS) coefficients have been predicted with a wide range of spin ratios up to 5. The maximum values of CL and CD have been found at 0.37 and 0.64 for a rotating sphere, and those of aerodynamic forces have changed with spin ratios.The rotating sphere leads to suppress the wake strength and size downstream.Significantly, the pressure distribution is an asymmetric structure concerning the magnitude of lift, drag coefficients. This research has confirmed that the RSM has been a highly competent approach to examine the convective flow past a rotating sphere at high Reynolds number.
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