A proposal for the stress assessment of online education based on the use of a wearable device
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The COVID-19 pandemic has forced educational institutions worldwide to shift to online education. In Japan, a questionnaire on online education was conducted at many universities. A survey on team-based classes at Kogakuin University revealed that about 70% of the students were not satisfied with the team-based performance assignments required by the university. Online communication seems to generate dissatisfaction, and whether text-based research can be accurately assessed in Eastern regions (including Japan) due to their high context culture is questionable. Therefore, this study proposed an evaluation using wearable devices and the application of physiological psychology. It reported a near 20-fold difference in the number of skin conductance responses above 3 between working alone and making an online call, and it was observed that many more active short-term responses occurred when making an online call. This result shows an essential factor for designing online education.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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