Development of medical device design method considering human-centered design
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According to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, accidents due to medical malpractice have occurred in Japan because of the mishandling of medical devices. The emphasis is placed primarily on the function and cost of medical devices at the design stage; however, their usability is not considered. Therefore, human-centered design (HCD) is important and needs to be employed. The main goal of HCD is to enhance the ease of product usage, to maximize user satisfaction and enhance device safety. The product usability mainly depends on the shape of the device, and thus, analyses should be performed based on the feature quantity of the shape. This study focuses on the method that digitizes the change in the shape, by extracting the shape information, in addition to deriving the design plan using the engineering design variable. In HCD, divergence and convergence of ideas is important. Therefore, the design plan is derived using the generative design for the divergence of the idea. Through this, several design plans were derived in this study, based on a plan that quantified the matching distance using image processing. Lastly, we derived the design plan and then analyzed the data on device shape, through digitization.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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