Energy cost analysis of an organic rankine cycle with exhaust gas in off design conditions

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T. Phueksaphanrat
E. Schulz
A. Koonsrisuk


Organic Rankine cycles (ORC) can be used for the conversion of heat to generate power. This study proposes a thermodynamics optimization of a subcritical Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) and the golden section method was used to search for an optimum operating condition that provides a maximum net work output for the prescribed heat source temperature (Thf,in), cooling fluid temperature (Tcf,in), mass flow rate of heat source, ().Generally, the heat source and heat sink temperatures are assumed to be constant in the theoretical analyses of ORC power plants. However, they fluctuate in real practice. Then this study also disscuss the off-design simulations. The exhaust gas from a boiler of Suranaree University of Technology Hospital (SUTH) is used as a heat source with the temperatures in the range of 140 - 160°C. Also, the heat sink temperatures simulated are based on the weather of Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Thailand. The maximum net power output, thermal efficiency, exergy efficiency was 5.23 kW, 9.21% and 29.37%, respectively. Levelized cost of energy (LCOE) of this study was 8.2 Baht/kWh.

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How to Cite
Phueksaphanrat, T., Schulz, E. ., & Koonsrisuk, A. . (2020). Energy cost analysis of an organic rankine cycle with exhaust gas in off design conditions. Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering, 8(1), 48–58. retrieved from


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