Amplitude analysis of functionally graded beams under linear decreasing and exponential loads

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W. Songsuwan
N. Wattanasakulpong


The objective of this research is to study dynamic amplitude of functionally graded beams subjected to linear decreasing and exponential decay loads. The beams are assumed to be composed of ceramic and metal phases according to power law distribution. The Ritz method is utilized to solve free and forced vibration of the beams with various general boundary conditions. In case of dynamic analysis, the average acceleration method of Newmark is adopted to deal with the time dependent problem. Various effects of material composition, beam geometry and boundary condition, which have significant impact on beam analysis, are taken into account. Based on numerical results, it is found that the beam with high percentage of ceramic in material composition is very strong and has less dynamic deflection.

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How to Cite
Songsuwan, W. ., & Wattanasakulpong, N. . (2020). Amplitude analysis of functionally graded beams under linear decreasing and exponential loads. Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering, 8(1), 1–10. retrieved from


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