The development of the closed-controlled greenhouse for sunflower seedlings

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A. Pramuanjaroenkij
I. Dowdoungnoi
T.O. Özyurt


Because of global warming, an average increase in temperatures during the twenty-first century has been expected to reach between 1.5 and 6.0ºC, and it maybe even higher. Small changes in temperatures can cause consequences of great amplitude upon rains, forests, and agriculture. This research studied and developed the closed-controlled greenhouse. The control system based on Arduino technology was utilized in the greenhouse to control the evaporative cooling system and the greenhouse ventilation system. This project aimed to adjust the greenhouse temperature and relative humidity for sunflower seedling. A total of 6 experiments, each experiment took 7 days. Experiments numbered 1 to 3, there was no seedling set inside the greenhouse while the seedling sets were located in the greenhouse for the last three experiments. Nine seedling sets contained 3 different types of nutrient solutions (chemical nutrient, vermicompost and bio-fertilizer solutions), and 3 different types of seedling materials, (coconut fluff, cotton balls and cultivation soil. Three replications were performed in each experiment, thus, 27 seedling sets were placed in the greenhouse. From the first and last three investigated results, the temperatures inside the greenhouse differed from the ambient temperatures in ranges of 3.83 to 4.93 and 3.64 to 4.20 Celsius, respectively. The different relative humidity values between the air inside and outside the greenhouse were in ranges of 19.29 to 33.19%RH and 17.94 and 30.86%RH, respectively. Sunflower sprout production inside the greenhouse was indicated in germination percentages and germination indexes. The germination percentages were above 80% and the germination indexes were above 12. If farmers are interested in sunflower sprout farming to earn income by using the closed-controlled greenhouse, they could take a total of 4 months as a payback period by selling the sunflower sprouts. Therefore, the development of the closed-controlled greenhouse was proved to show its ability in the sunflower sprout seedling.

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How to Cite
Pramuanjaroenkij, A., Dowdoungnoi, I., & Özyurt, T. (2019). The development of the closed-controlled greenhouse for sunflower seedlings. Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering, 7(2), 161–170. retrieved from


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