Impact of water contents blended with ethanol on si engine performance and emissions

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P. Gupta
V. Sae-wang
P. Kanbua
Y. Laoonual


Recently, the oil crisis and energy security have become the serious concern all over the world. Ethanol, one of the alternative fuels for SI engine seems to have the potential for replacing the conventional fuels such as gasoline. However, the process of removing water contents from hydrous ethanol to make it anhydrous is a very costly operation. In order to have the economical advantage, the use of ethanol with water content can be seen as an interesting choice as a fuel in SI engines. Therefore, this work aims to investigate the effects of water contents blended with ethanol on thermal efficiency and emissions of SI engine. The 125-cc SI engine is used for the experiments. Tests are run at constant engine speed and stoichiometric air fuel ratio. The results show an increase in the thermal efficiency for hydrous ethanol having more than 10% water content. The bsfc value is increased on increasing water content. The NOx produced by hydrous ethanol is very low. The total unburned Water Contenthydrocarbons (THC) and the CO emissions are increased on water addition but even after the addition of 20% water by volume they are found lower than those of gasoline. So it proposes a solution for the fuel which satisfies the current environmental concerns and helps in improving the fuel economy.

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How to Cite
Gupta, P., Sae-wang, V., Kanbua, P., & Laoonual, Y. (2018). Impact of water contents blended with ethanol on si engine performance and emissions. Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering, 1(1), 7–11. retrieved from
Author Biography

P. Gupta, Internship Student, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India 208016

1Combustion and Engines Research Laboratory (CERL)
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
King Mongkut’s University Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), Bangkok, Thailand 10140
2 Internship Student, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India 208016.


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