Prediction of total equivalence ratio for a self-aspirating burner

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A. Namkhat
S. Jugjai


A total air entrainment affects the burner performance in terms of completeness of combustion. In recent years, the prediction of a value of the air entrainment for a self-aspirating burner deals only with the primary air, and is also limited to the without preheat case. This study provides a combined theoretical and experimental investigation into the prediction of the total air entrainment for a self-aspirating burner, which is corresponding to the total equivalence ratio. Both with and without preheat of combustion air cases are carried out the primary air entrainment. The oxygen concentration in the mixture is measured by the oxygen sensor. It reveals the level of primary air within this mixture. Calculation method for predicting the total equivalence ratio was developed by using the momentum and energy conservation principles. It is observed that the levels of both primary and secondary air entrainment are increased with increasing the heat input due to the high momentum jet. The preheated case yields a lower primary and secondary air entrainment because of the preheating effect, the fluid in the mixing tube has more viscosity. The levels of total equivalence ratio are in the range of 0.5 to 6. The rich condition is occurred at lower heat input because of the low total air entrainment. At higher heat input, the high momentum jet entrains an excess air. Therefore, the total equivalence ratio becomes very low under lean conditions. The optimum operation of this burner occurs at heat input equals to 7.5 kW, in which the stoichiometric combustion is achieved. As a result, it may be helpful in predicting the thermal efficiency in the future especially in combustion with preheated air.

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How to Cite
Namkhat, A., & Jugjai, S. (2018). Prediction of total equivalence ratio for a self-aspirating burner. Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering, 1(2), 31–36. retrieved from


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