The prediction of nominal and off-design characteristics of economised vapour injection scroll compressor-driven heat pump

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M.Q. Nguyen
N.J. Hewitt


Economised vapour injection technology based on the integration of a hermetic scroll compressor and a brazed plate heat exchanger is capable of greatly improving vapour compression heat pump efficiency. However there has been a large difference in increased level of performance between off-design and nominal conditions due to the overall heat pump system being designed and built from several components which certainly interact with each other during operation process. The size and configuration of each component are particularly important factors causing the overall system performance to be deviated from nominal condition-based values and subsequently energy losses because of components to be either oversized or undersized unexpectedly. Experimental investigation was conducted to estimate these efficiency deviations in each individual component as well as the whole system under a wide range of working conditions. In comparison with the performance reference predicted by the Copeland Selection Software, the experimental results show a tendency of increasing deviation between the measured and predicted performances when the compressor power is increased while the experimentally measured heating capacities are slightly deviated from the nominal values throughout the operating range.

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How to Cite
Nguyen, M., & Hewitt, N. (2018). The prediction of nominal and off-design characteristics of economised vapour injection scroll compressor-driven heat pump. Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering, 1(2), 9–13. retrieved from


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