Nanostructures and oxidation kinetics of diesel particulate matters

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P. Karin
H. Oki
K. Hanamura
C. Charoenphonphanich


Diesel particulate matters (PMs) must be removed from the exhaust gas emitted from diesel engines to protect the environment and human health; therefore, regulation of vehicle emissions has become increasingly strict. The nanostructures of diesel particulate matters emitted from an actual diesel engine and a diffusion flame burner were investigated by using a transmission electron microscopy (TEM) for better understanding. The single particulate’s sizes of both engine and burner were approximately 20-80 nm. The various size of particulate might be strongly related to drag and shear forces of fluid flow, Brownian motion force of gases molecules and electrostatic forces of charges carbon elements, even though such forces is the order of Pico-Newton. Thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA) was used to investigate chemical kinetics of PM oxidation. The apparent activation energies of engine’s PM oxidation were approximately 105kJ/mol and 248kJ/mol for hydrocarbon and carbon zones, respectively. On the other hand, the apparent activation energies of lamp’s PM oxidation were approximately 139kJ/mol and 218kJ/mol, respectively. Consequently, much amount of soluble organic fraction (SOF) emitted from an actual engine may be strongly affected to the low apparent activation energy at the low temperature oxidation zone. Similarly, an internal combustion engine operates with very high temperature and pressure. Structure of soot emitted from diesel engine may be strong carbon bonding resulting in increasing of the apparent activation energy of carbon oxidation.

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How to Cite
Karin, P., Oki, H., Hanamura, K., & Charoenphonphanich, C. (2018). Nanostructures and oxidation kinetics of diesel particulate matters. Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering, 1(2), 3–8. retrieved from


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