Numerical analysis of turbulent heat transfer in a square channel with V‐baffle turbulators

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P. Promthaisong
A. Boonloi
W. Jedsadaratanachai


Turbulent periodic flow and heat transfer in a three dimensional horizontal channel with isothermal walls and with diagonal broken V-baffles in form of tail-end cut (DBB-Ts) were numerically studied. The fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics were investigated under constant heat flux condition for Reynolds numbers based on the hydraulic diameter of the channel ranging from 6000 to 20,000. The effect of open corner ratio (d/H = 0.0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04 and 0.05) of DBB-Ts on thermohydraulic characteristics was investigated. The results reveal that the DBB-Ts with a smaller open corner ratios (d/H) gives higher heat transfer rate, friction factor as well as thermal enhancement factor than the one with larger d/H as a result of a stronger vortex intensity and thus better fluid mixing and more efficient thinning thermal boundary layer. In the present study, the maximum thermal enhancement is given by DBB-Ts with d/H = 0.

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How to Cite
Promthaisong, P., Boonloi, A., & Jedsadaratanachai, W. (2018). Numerical analysis of turbulent heat transfer in a square channel with V‐baffle turbulators. Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering, 2(2), 122–130. retrieved from


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