Heat transfer of swirling jet impinging on a flat surface with swirl generators

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K. Nanan
P. Eiamsa‐ard


This paper presents a study on heat transfer enhancement by swirling impinging jets. The swirling jets were induced by inserting dual twisted tapes into jet nozzles. The effects of jet Reynolds number (4000 < Re < 16,000), jetto-plate spacing (2 < L/D < 8), tape twist ratio (y/W = 3, 4, 5, 6) and swirling direction were experimentally investigated. Numerical visualization was also carried out to study a behavior of the flow phenomena of swirling jets.

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How to Cite
Nanan, K., & Eiamsa‐ard, P. (2018). Heat transfer of swirling jet impinging on a flat surface with swirl generators. Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering, 2(2), 103–110. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jrame/article/view/149413


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