Numerical heat transfer investigation in a tube with inclined flower baffles

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S. Tamna


A numerical investigation has been conducted to examine turbulent periodic flow and heat transfer behaviors in a three-dimensional isothermal-fluxed tube with flower baffle inserts. The computations based on the finite volume method were made by using the SIMPLE algorithm to handle the pressure-velocity coupling. The fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics are presented for Reynolds numbers ranging from 4000 to 20,000. All flower baffles are mounted periodically in the tube with a single inclination angle, gif.latex?\alpha = 30gif.latex?^{\circ}. Effects of different pitch ratios, (PR = p/D) in the range of 0.75-2.0 with two flower leaf closure angles, gif.latex?\theta =25gif.latex?^{\circ} and 35gif.latex?^{\circ} on heat transfer and pressure loss in the tube are studied. It is apparent that counter-rotating vortex flows created by the flower baffles exist and help induce impinging flows on the tube wall leading to drastic increase in heat transfer rate over the smooth tube. In addition, the decrease in the PR results in the rise in the heat transfer and friction factor.
The computational results reveal that the optimum thermal performance for using the flower baffles is about 1.6 at PR = 0.75, gif.latex?\theta = 25gif.latex?^{\circ}.

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How to Cite
Tamna, S. (2018). Numerical heat transfer investigation in a tube with inclined flower baffles. Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering, 2(2), 95–102. retrieved from


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