Ann-based model with adaptive observation system for estimation solar irradiance and illuminance on horizontal surface

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S. Hongkong


Continuous prediction of solar energy for designing has important. This article presented an estimation solar irradiance and illuminance on a horizontal surface by using artificial neural network (ANN) with the adaptive observation system (AOS). The AOS was detection system of inputs available for predicting, which consist of sky ratio and solar altitude angle. The sky ratio (SR) was using electronic circuit for detection. The solar altitude angle (α) calculate from sun position at latitude and longitude of a location with solar time. The 2-inputs (SR, α) and 4-outputs (Eeg, Eed, Evg, Evd) of solar irradiance and illuminance had been trained in ANN model. The feed-forward neural network with the back-propagation (BP) training algorithm was used train the model with 10 neurons, one hidden layer. The result shown comparison between estimation and measured by use MBD, RMSD and R2. The AOS is a novel technique for predicting and can be predicted solar quality whit out expensive instrument.

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How to Cite
Hongkong, S. (2018). Ann-based model with adaptive observation system for estimation solar irradiance and illuminance on horizontal surface. Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering, 6(2), 82–94. retrieved from


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