Diversity factor analysis of energy consumption for school building

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A. Kaewpradap


The energy conservation in Thailand is concerned and supported by Ministry of Energy and government policy. In the past, the energy consumption was obtained by energy audit or energy measurement from actual power of main systems. The ratio between the actual power (Pact) and the rated power (Pmax) of systems defined as the diversity factor that was also used to analyze the energy consumption. In this study, the diversity factor was obtained by the actual power measured from the energy consumption behavior in the school building and maximum power. The energy consumption was simply evaluated by using 3 methods of diversity evaluation as the approximated diversity factor (Da) with and without measurement and the measured diversity factor (Dm). In this study, the approximated diversity factor, Da =0.80 was used and the average measured diversity factor, Dm =0.70 was obtained. As the results, 46.28%, 18.08% and 2.18% of energy consumption deviation were found from using the approximated diversity factor without measurement, the approximated diversity factor with measurement and the measured diversity factor, respectively. However the energy consumption analyzed by the approximated diversity factor did not measure from the actual power and the energy consumption behavior which showed the highest deviation from the actual value. The results showed that the energy consumption analyzed from the measured diversity factor with measurement could reflect the consumption behavior of the school building.

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How to Cite
Kaewpradap, A. (2018). Diversity factor analysis of energy consumption for school building. Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering, 3(1), 37–41. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jrame/article/view/141538


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