Flow and mixing in a model swirl combustor equipped with a telescopic end plate porous medium

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S. Jugjai
U. Praweenvisan
Y. Laoonual


This paper reports an experimental investigation of a non-reacting turbulent swirl flow in a transparent model swirl combustor equipped with a telescopic end plate porous medium (PM), in an effort to design and developing a future combustion system based on a concept of a PM burner. Focus has been made on characterization and optimization of flow fields and mixing performance within the model combustor under various burner geometries, which are characterized by the number of tangential inlet Ninlet, inlet angle ø and the interdistance XPM between the telescopic end plate PM and the air inlet nozzle. PIV (particle image velocimetry) flow visualization technique is employed to study the flow fields and the mixing performance in terms of averaged turbulence intensity. The flow fields show, how the flow velocities and structures vary as
the controlling parameters vary. Based on the experimental results an optimum burner configuration is revealed. The relating parameters, in particular the telescopic end plate PM has a relatively large scale effect on flow fields and mixing phenomena.

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How to Cite
Jugjai, S., Praweenvisan, U., & Laoonual, Y. (2018). Flow and mixing in a model swirl combustor equipped with a telescopic end plate porous medium. Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering, 3(1), 7–21. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jrame/article/view/141533


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