Effects of torrefaction process on physical properties and operating cost of biomass powder

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N. Tharawadee
N. Thuchayapong


The cassava rhizome was used as raw material. The torrefaction process was experimented in 2 cases. In the first case, the cassava rhizome was chopped. The temperature and residence times of torrefaction process were determined at 250 ºC and 90 minutes, respectively. Then, torrefied cassava rhizome was minced. In the second case, the cassava rhizome was chopped and minced. Then, it was torrefied at the same temperature and residence times of the previous case. The lower heating value (LHV), moisture content, particle size and operating cost were studied in both cases. The results were found that the highest LHV of torrefied cassava rhizome ranged from 21.9±0.07 MJ/kg to 22.55±1.39 MJ/kg. The lowest moisture content of torrefied cassava rhizome ranged from 1.41±0.73% to 1.05±0.27%. In addition, the total production cost of case1 was the cheapest (3.57 baht/kg), its cost differed from that of case2 by 9.8% (3.92 Baht/kg). It was concluded that, torrefaction process should be started with chopping, torrefying and followed by mincing. The operating cost, particle size and cost per energy output were decreased by using torrefying process (case1).

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How to Cite
Tharawadee, N., & Thuchayapong, N. (2018). Effects of torrefaction process on physical properties and operating cost of biomass powder. Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering, 3(2), 83–88. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jrame/article/view/140058


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