A linear - scattering phase function for solving radiative heat transfer equation (RTE)

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B. Krittacom
P. Amatachaya
A. Klamnoi


A scattering-radiation phase function is proposed by the linear equation to be as the optional estimation of the radiative heat transfer equation (RTE) for the case of large diffusely reflective sphere. Simplified mathematics in calculating procedure is a prominent of the present method. Two arbitrary constants of the linear equation including of the slope and the value of the point in which the line cross the y-axis are determined by reproducing hemispherical emittances of isothermal, gray media bounded by a black surface. Thus, the presented equation is in the form of gif.latex?\Phi(gif.latex?\mu) = -1.616 + 1.082. Here, the gif.latex?\Phi is denoted by the quantity of scattering phase function and gif.latex?\mu is the cosine of scattering angle. To validate the present linear scattering phase function, the conventional method (exact solution) and the solution of Henyey-greenstein approximation are compared. Agreement between the present equation and two mentioned equations is acceptable in the case of pure radiation problem.

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How to Cite
Krittacom, B., Amatachaya, P., & Klamnoi, A. (2018). A linear - scattering phase function for solving radiative heat transfer equation (RTE). Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering, 3(2), 75–82. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jrame/article/view/140053


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