Numerical simulation of thermo-fluid dynamic entropy generation in centrifugal compressors for micro-turbine application

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K. Wasinarom
D. Boonchauy
J. Charoensuk


The investigation on quantitative entropy generation in the streamwise direction of flow passage in centrifugal compressors with different exit beta angle was carried out under the operating condition of small gas turbine application. The flow field was obtained by 3D numerical simulation with the help of commercial CFD code. The analysis coupled both flow structure and quantitative entropy generated from the inlet through to outlet. The comparison has been made among 10o, 20o, 30o, 40o and 50o exit beta angle. The simulation result showed that at the streamwise location of 0.1-0.6, entropy generated around 60 J/kgK per streamwise location length for all exit beta angles, where the inflow direction was parallel with the inlet impeller passage. In contrast to the location of 0.6-1.0, the entropy generated around 480 J/kgK per streamwise location length, around 8 times of the entropy generated in location 0.1-0.6. This was correspondent to high deformation rate of the flow field in this area. The separation and secondary flow can be observed as a result of blade tip flow leakage. Moreover, strong flow distortion with massive turbulent intensity took place, and as a consequence, high local eddy viscosity was present. Increasing the beta angle had alleviated jet-wake shear layer at the exit area of the compressor as a consequence of less entropy generation in the location of 0.6- 1.0 streamwise location.

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How to Cite
Wasinarom, K., Boonchauy, D., & Charoensuk, J. (2018). Numerical simulation of thermo-fluid dynamic entropy generation in centrifugal compressors for micro-turbine application. Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering, 3(2), 54–63. retrieved from


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