Optimal synthesis of four-bar linkage path generation through evolutionary computation

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S. Sleesongsom
S. Bureerat


This paper presents the optimization of path generating of four-bar linkages using evolution algorithms (EAs). The design problem is assigned to minimize the error between desired and obtained coupler curves. Such mechanism synthesis is sometimes called dimensional analysis, which has the design variables as link lengths and other parameters. In this work, three evolutionary algorithms namely differential evolution (DE), hybrid population-based incremental learning and differential evolution (PBIL-DE) and adaptive differential evolution with optional external archive (JADE) are applied for finding the solutions. The results show that DE and JADE are the best methods for synthesizing the path generating of a four-bar linkage.

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How to Cite
Sleesongsom, S., & Bureerat, S. (2018). Optimal synthesis of four-bar linkage path generation through evolutionary computation. Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering, 3(2), 46–53. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jrame/article/view/140038


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