Optimum design of organic Rankine cycle for low temperature heat sources

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P. Trinuruk
W. Bunnathad
V. Thongkampala
P. Aekphanpong
A. Wongsatanawarid


The paper presents a study of new technology, called “Organic Rankine Cycle” (ORC), which can be operated likely Steam Rankine Cycle (SRC) but it can take more advantage than SRC. ORC can generate electricity with low temperature heat sources such as geothermal energy or waste heat released from the industry. Nevertheless, the thermo-economic optimization of this technology is still required. Therefore, in this study, the optimum design of ORC system by matching equipment and selection of appropriated working fluid are need to investigate in order to obtain the cost effective from low temperature heat resource. The operating condition of each working fluid was firstly investigated to match with the temperature of the heat sources. From the result, the optimum working temperatures of each working fluid can be suggested. Then the system design was calculated with the parametric survey on two types of heat sources; flue gas from industrial boiler and geothermal based heat source, which their temperatures were lower than 300C. The variation of working fluids to obtain the optimum system with high thermal efficiency, high power output and short payback period were performed. The criterion of environmental friendly was one influence parameter taking into consideration to choose the appropriate working fluid in this study. The results can be concluded that R236ea, R245ca, R245fa were appropriate working fluid for ORC when it is applied with low temperature heat sources.

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How to Cite
Trinuruk, P., Bunnathad, W., Thongkampala, V., Aekphanpong, P., & Wongsatanawarid, A. (2018). Optimum design of organic Rankine cycle for low temperature heat sources. Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering, 4(1), 96–107. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jrame/article/view/139071


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