Design and development of the lower limb rehabilitation robot for restoration of normal gait in stroke patients

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T. Luckanawat
P. Kooncumchoo
B. Rungroungdouyboon


This paper presents new machine of lower limb rehabilitation robot, called “TU Gait Trainer”. The machine has been developed for stroke patients to restore normal gait with trajectory and ankle angle control. While patients were being gotten physical therapy by TU Gait Trainer, their each foot was fastened by foot supporter of the rehabilitation robot and moved follow normal gait pattern by only 1 motor with linkage mechanism which was specific designed for normal gait pattern. During ankles had been moving, TU Gait Trainer was controlling angle of patient’s ankles to move in dorsiflexion and plantarflexion posture same as normal gait pattern also. TU Gait Trainer prototype had been made up and getting efficiency data with real patients. The testing results of real patients with TU Gait Trainer are presented. The results show patients got stronger muscle and they got chance to restore normal walking.

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How to Cite
Luckanawat, T., Kooncumchoo, P., & Rungroungdouyboon, B. (2018). Design and development of the lower limb rehabilitation robot for restoration of normal gait in stroke patients. Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering, 4(1), 68–78. retrieved from


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