Study of safety evaluation for assembled mechanical structure

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Y. Ohbuchi
M. Nishi
K. Tsaukamoto
H. Sakamoto


Recently, there are a lot of products and parts, which can make mechanical assembling easy. The jointing methods of these products and parts are many and various. Nowadays, strength evaluation of structure using CAD modeling and CAE analysis has become popular and widely used. It became very easy to evaluate the strength and safety factor of structure using them, but sometimes validity of obtained result is not satisfied due to incorrect boundary conditions or wrong model of joint. However, the modeling and analyzing in detail for various parts and its jointing methods are difficult in consideration of time and cost. In this study, the suitable analysis condition for evaluation of various jointing methods is examined utilizing these products and parts. A products for structure material made of aluminum alloy and series of parts for fastening are used as the objects for this study. Analysis is carried out for each joint, and finally the assembled whole structure is evaluated. When we can select suitable analysis condition for the various fastening method, we can analyze easily and evaluate safety of designed structure. Finally, we proposed a simplifying model which represents complex shape and jointing conditions of those products and it works well and can reduce calculating time as well as modeling time.

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How to Cite
Ohbuchi, Y., Nishi, M., Tsaukamoto, K., & Sakamoto, H. (2018). Study of safety evaluation for assembled mechanical structure. Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering, 4(1), 25–34. retrieved from


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