Effect of ultrasonic vibration in the solid state bonding of the aluminum alloy using insert metal

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T. Osada
K. Sonoya
T. Abe
M. Nakamura


Consumption of aluminum alloys is increasing in order to improve the environmental performance. The aim of this research is to develop a technique to bond aluminum within an atmosphere in a short amount of time and with minimal deformations. In order to accomplish this, the bonding was carried out via use of induction heating and ultrasonic vibration. As a result, by adding the high-frequency induction heating and ultrasonic vibration to the bonding surface of the aluminum material, the oxide film is destroyed and the aluminum material was joined in a short time by the plastic deformation. Then we discussed examined the bonding mechanism.

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How to Cite
Osada, T., Sonoya, K., Abe, T., & Nakamura, M. (2018). Effect of ultrasonic vibration in the solid state bonding of the aluminum alloy using insert metal. Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering, 4(1), 4–11. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jrame/article/view/138759


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