Experimental study of heat transfer characteristics of stainless steel fibrous flow insulator

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P. Khantikomol
M. Polsonkram
T. Poowadin


Flow insulation is the reduction of heat transfer of flowing fluid moving through the objects. The materials chosen for flow insulation is the porous material, which the fluid can flow through it and recover the heat from the flowing fluid leading to reduce the temperature of the fluid. The present research article aims to propose the heat transfer characteristics of the stainless steel fibrous material as the flow insulator. The stainless steel fibrous plate (porous plate) having diameter 120 mm, thickness 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 mm, and porosities 0.9292, 0.9469, and 0.9646 were examined. In the experiment, Reynolds number 1000-2500 and the inlet air temperatures 350-550 oC were varied flowing through the porous media normally. The temperature change along the test tube, temperature drop across the porous plate, and the heat recovery efficiency were proposed. Obviously, the temperature drop across the porous plate and the thermal efficiency of the porous plate increase with the inlet gas temperature due to the effect of radiation heat transfer mode. The increasing of porosity, which decrease the heat transfer area, leads to decrease both of temperature drop and thermal efficiency. It could conclude that the fibrous porous material could be a good flow insulator at low velocity, high inlet fluid temperature and low porosity.

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How to Cite
Khantikomol, P., Polsonkram, M., & Poowadin, T. (2018). Experimental study of heat transfer characteristics of stainless steel fibrous flow insulator. Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering, 4(2), 148–155. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jrame/article/view/138632


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