PermeabIlity of wire-net porous media determined by a simple Darcy-Forchheimer equation

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N. Huchaiyaphum
S. Panpanya
B. Krittacom


The permeability (K) of porous media is the most significant parameter for describing the fluid flow mechanism within porous matrix. A simple experiment to investigate the K of wire-net porous media based on Darcy – Forchheimer principle is proposed. The stainless ASUS304 with four PPIs (Pores per inch), i.e., PPI = 4, 8, 10 and 12, are examined and reported in the form of porosity (e) yielding as 0.943, 0.898, 0.822 and 0.794 respectively. Five thicknesses (H) consisting of 1.2, 2.4, 3.6, 4.8 and 6.0 mm, are tested. Regarding to the Darcy – Forchheimer method, the equation of relation between pressure drop (DP) and velocity (u) is in the 2nd polynomial form: DP = au+bu2. To simplify this equation, the linear form is discussed: DP = a+bu. The DP as measured by U-tube manometer is conducted in varying the velocity (u) from 0.225 m/s to 1.578 m/s. From the experiment, it is found that the value of K is depended on e (PPI) and H. Thus, the equation of K estimated by multi-regression method can be reported by K =(89.401e - 66.412)/H x 10-7 which determination coefficient (R2) has 0.889. To validate the present regression, three available models consisting of Kozeny-Carman correlation, Gebart equation and a nonlinear equation of Koponen are compared. Good agreement is obtained in comparison. Therefore, it can be said that the present regression form is highly believable and it is easily used.

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How to Cite
Huchaiyaphum, N., Panpanya, S., & Krittacom, B. (2018). PermeabIlity of wire-net porous media determined by a simple Darcy-Forchheimer equation. Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering, 6(1), 63–70. retrieved from


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