Investigation on profile of slots machined by electrochemical milling with hollow electrode

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J. Pattavanitch


This study investigated the fabrication of slots by electrochemical milling using hollow electrodes. The influence on process performance of different applied voltages, tool feed rates, and tool diameters were studied using experimental and numerical methods. Experimental results showed that a part-sinusoidal profile appeared at the center of the slots bottom face and that machining accuracy depends not only on machining parameters but also on tool diameter. An in-house boundary element program for electrochemical milling process has been developed to predict the shape of slots machined by hollow electrodes in a three-dimensional domain, and the predicted shapes were compared with the actual machined slots, showing agreement between the predicted and experimental results.

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How to Cite
Pattavanitch, J. (2018). Investigation on profile of slots machined by electrochemical milling with hollow electrode. Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering, 6(1), 40–49. retrieved from


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