Performance improvement of solar air heater with v-baffles on absorber plate

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P. Hoonpong
S. Skullong


The article deals with an experimental study on heat transfer and flow friction characteristics in a solar air heater duct roughened artificially with V-shaped baffles. The absorber plate is mounted with V-baffle vortex generators to improve the performance of the solar thermal system for energy saving. The experiment in the test duct having the aspect ratio (AR) of 10 is conducted for Reynolds number (Re) based on the hydraulic duct diameter ranging from 5300 to 22,600. In the current work, V-baffles are placed on the absorber with three relative baffle heights (RB=b/H = 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3) and pitches (RP= P/H = 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5) at a single attack angle (b) of 60°. The experimental results reveal that the use of V-baffle vortex generators yields the considerable increase in heat transfer over the smooth duct around 2.32–4.3 times while the friction loss increases around 4.08–36.9 times. The heat transfer and the friction loss tend to rise for increasing RB but show the reversing trend for increasing RP. The maximum thermal performance for the V-baffle vortex generators around 1.57 is seen at RB = 0.2 and RP = 1.0.

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How to Cite
Hoonpong, P., & Skullong, S. (2018). Performance improvement of solar air heater with v-baffles on absorber plate. Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering, 6(1), 29–39. retrieved from


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