Surrounding gas pressure and oxygen concentration dependence of the spray auto-ignition phenomenon for ethanol-diethyl ether blended fuels

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K. Uchida
H. Saitoh


This study deals with the development of controlled-ignition technology for high performance compression ignition alcohol engines. The objective of this study is quantitative evaluation of main factors that influence auto-ignition of an alcohol spray. The quantitative evaluation that can be finally as the database in a form of 3D-mapping of ignition delay is now in progress. When the mapping is completed by a number of systematic experiments, engine control logic is able to be established and high performance alcohol engines are developed. This paper mainly focuses on the effect of surrounding gas pressure and oxygen content on auto-ignition. Spray mixture formation up to auto-ignition of ED (Ethanol-Diethyl ether) blended fuels in a large constant volume electrical heating chamber was visualized by shadowgraph method. The results showed that ignition delay was depended on surrounding gas pressure and oxygen concentration. However, ED blend fuels showed small dependence of O2 content on ignition delay when its value was higher than 30%. In further O2 rich condition of 35%, diffusion combustion was observed when ignition position was shifted to upstream region of a spray with increasing of O2 content for diethyl ether rich ED blended fuels.

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How to Cite
Uchida, K., & Saitoh, H. (2018). Surrounding gas pressure and oxygen concentration dependence of the spray auto-ignition phenomenon for ethanol-diethyl ether blended fuels. Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering, 6(1), 1–12. retrieved from


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