Effect of inclined pins on flow and heat transfer characteristics for single row in rectangular channel

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P. Narato
M. Wae-hayee
M. Z. Abdullah
C. Nuntadusit


The aim of this research is to study the flow and heat transfer characteristics for a row of inclined pins on heat transfer surface. Cylindrical pins having 10 mm diameter (D) were mounted on heat transfer surface in the wind tunnel with inline arrangement. The pin height (H) and pin-to-pin distance (S) were fixed at H=2D, and S=2D, respectively. The effect of pin inclination angle were investigated at gif.latex?\Theta=30o, 45o, 60o, 90o, 120o, 135o, and 150o. For all experiments, the Reynolds number of air flow was fixed at Re=5,200. The results show that the pin inclination angle gif.latex?\Theta =30o, 45o and 60o enhances the heat transfer on the upstream and downstream of the pin row as compared to pin angle gif.latex?\Theta =90o. The pin inclination angle gif.latex?\Theta =120o and 135o somewhat improve the heat transfer region behind the pins. However, the pin inclination angle gif.latex?\Theta =150o gives the lowest heat transfer rate on overall surface. The mechanism of heat transfer enhancement and deterioration for inclined pin can be explained with secondary counterrotating vortices and wake flow behind the pins.

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How to Cite
Narato, P., Wae-hayee, M., Abdullah, M. Z., & Nuntadusit, C. (2018). Effect of inclined pins on flow and heat transfer characteristics for single row in rectangular channel. Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering, 5(2), 106–118. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jrame/article/view/133644


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