Influence of shock absorber installation angle to automotive vehicle response

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N. Panananda
S. Daowiangkan
N. Intaphrom
W. Kantapam


The installation angle of shock absorber is found theoretically to affect the damping force. In this paper, the influence of installation angle was studied numerically and experimentally. Three installation angles of 0, 45 and 90 degrees with respect to the direction of motion were considered. The base excited single degree of freedom was set up for experimental study. A single cycle sine squared base excitation was implemented to simulate the road hump. The results show that the installation angle of 0 degrees is capable to stop sprung mass vibration in the shortest time compared to other installation angles. In contrast, the installation angle of 90 degrees results in the greater mass oscillation amplitude which degrades handling quality. The installation angle of shock absorber is found to influence directly the vibration characteristic of the vehicle. The shock absorber installation angle is then another aspect for the suspension design consideration.

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How to Cite
Panananda, N., Daowiangkan, S., Intaphrom, N., & Kantapam, W. (2018). Influence of shock absorber installation angle to automotive vehicle response. Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering, 5(2), 94–105. retrieved from


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