Equilibrium modeling of raw and torrefied leucaena in a downdraft fixed bed gasifier

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K. Manatura
L. Jau-Huai


The gasification performance of raw Leucaena, torrefied Leucaena at 200 °C (T200), and torrefied Leucaena at 275 °C (T275) in a downdraft fixed bed gasifier are performed based on thermodynamic equilibrium model using STANJAN (v.3.93L). The effects of torrefaction temperature and gasification temperature on syngas contents (H2, CO, CH4), syngas heating value, cold gas efficiency (CGE) and carbon conversion (CC) were studied. The results showed the torrefied biomass leads to lower syngas yield. The syngas heating value of T275 is much higher than those of raw and T200 but it has the lowest CGE among the three fuels due to its heating value. The gasification temperature does not affect the gasification performance. In this study, the optimal torrefaction temperature and gasification temperature are 200 °C and 800 °C respectively.

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How to Cite
Manatura, K., & Jau-Huai, L. (2018). Equilibrium modeling of raw and torrefied leucaena in a downdraft fixed bed gasifier. Journal of Research and Applications in Mechanical Engineering, 5(2), 74–81. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jrame/article/view/133627


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