Efficiency of Hotels and Resorts’ Wastewater Treatment by Using Combined Constructed Wetlands

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มงคล พัชรวงศ์สิริ
Narongsak Theanyai


Biological wastewater treatment system in this research was aimed to solve the problem of wastewater discharging of hotels and resorts, particularly in wastewater from human activities. The major focus was wastewater from kitchen such as food scraps, cooking, seasonings, oil stains and cleansing agent form clothes washing and bathroom cleaning. Therefore, combined constructed wetlands was used in the experiment with 4 types of plants including Paco fern, Burhead, Pandan leaves, and gotu kola, in order to find their treatment efficiency of wastewater from hotels and resorts. In the experiment, wastewater flowed through combined constructed wetlands system with 1 tank using horizontal flow type constructed wetlands system, flow rate at 0.1221 cubic meter per day and 2 tanks using vertical flow type constructed wetlands system, flow rate at 0.1361 cubic meter per day with duration of the system for 9 days. The experiment found that the best treatment plant was Paco fern which provided efficiency treatment with Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) 94.27%, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) 96.67%, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) 25.72%, Suspended Solids (SS) 95.62%, Fat Oil and Grease 99.6%, Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) 95.37%, pH value 6.70. This quality has passed the standard of Wastewater Standards by the Pollution Control Department Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.

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How to Cite
พัชรวงศ์สิริ ม. and N. . Theanyai, “Efficiency of Hotels and Resorts’ Wastewater Treatment by Using Combined Constructed Wetlands ”, J of Ind. Tech. UBRU, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 1–13, Dec. 2021.
Research Article


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