Torrefaction of Macadamia Shell and Coffee Endocarp with Dry Flue Gas and Nitrogen
Torrefaction, Flue gas, Macadamia shell, Coffee Endocarp, Weight LossAbstract
The aim of this research is to study torrefaction performance of macadamia shell and coffee endocarp, at 200, 250 and 300 °C for 30 min under simulated dry-flue gases (5% oxygen by volume) and nitrogen on physical and chemical properties and torrefaction performance (mass yield, energy yield and weight loss). The study found that higher torrefaction temperature with flue gas improves oxidation reaction by releasing moisture and partially volatile matter compared to that of nitrogen. These led to raise their heating value. The calorific value of torrefied macadamia shell and coffee endocarp by flue gas and nitrogen are in range of 23.97-30.36 and 25.64-30.25 MJ/kg and 21.48-29.16 and 24.93-29.53 MJ/kg, respectively. However, higher reduction of mass yield and energy yield of the flue gas is found compared with that of nitrogen. Applying flue gas from waste heat in combustion process may reduce costs of pretreatment and potentially save energy in the boiler.
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