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Journal Article Components
The manuscript is to be written in English, and great care should be taken for its objectiveness, clarity, and conciseness. Authors are responsible for having the manuscripts reviewed by a native English speakers or professionals with solid knowledge of technical language or an agency in English language experts. This has to be formally confirmed in an accompanying letter stating that spelling and text structure were reviewed. Please refer to the Template provided for its formatting.
Research articles report on original research work in the field of engineering. The article should contain novel ideas, methodology, experiment results, and discussion.
Review articles compile, compare and analyze existing research works in the field, and provide insight regarding the current state of research on a given engineering topic.
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
Instructions for Using ThaiJO
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Article Revision Guidelines for Authors
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