Development of Adobe Bricks mixed with Banana Leaves Fiber and Coir as Construction Materials for Earthen House


  • ชูศักดิ์ คีรีรัตน์ Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin
  • สุธน รุ่งเรือง Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin



adobe bricks, coir, banana leaves fiber, earthen house, agricultural materials


The purpose of this research is to develop the adobe bricks mixed with the agricultural materials which are the banana leaves fiber and the coir. The proportion of the soil and sand was controlled at 85:15 and the water proportion was 20% by dry weight of the soil-sand mixture. This research used the agricultural materials to replace the soil-sand mixture at the ratio of 0, 3, 5, 8 and 10% by dry weight. The samples were dried in the sun for 20 days and then they were tested for their compressive strength, flexural strength, density, and drying shrinkage. These properties were compared to that of the adobe bricks containing rice husk made by the Sufficiency Economy Learning Center, Khao Kling Temporary Prison. According to the test results, the appropriated proportion of the agricultural mixture is banana leaves fiber of 3%. The density of the adobe brick is close to that made by the Sufficiency Economy Learning Center, Khao Kling Temporary Prison. The compressive strength and the flexural strength increase by 8.02% and 50%, respectively. Therefore, they can use to substitute the adobe bricks made by the Sufficiency Economy Learning Center, Khao Kling Temporary Prison and use as a building material for earth houses.


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How to Cite

คีรีรัตน์ ช., & รุ่งเรือง ส. (2019). Development of Adobe Bricks mixed with Banana Leaves Fiber and Coir as Construction Materials for Earthen House. RMUTL Engineering Journal, 4(1), 8–15.



Research Article