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Witawat Singsang
Wissanu Charerntanom
Natkrita Prasoetsopha
Nuan La-ong Srakaew
Aniwat Hasook
Peerawas Kongsong


This study aimed to examine the carbon fiber preparation from water hyacinth fibers which could be applied as graphite powder replacement in powder metallurgy process. The objective was to be the guideline for reducing costs in powder metallurgy process. The hyacinth fibers were fabricated into carbon fibers through the carbonization process. Under the condition of pure nitrogen gas, the effects of different carbonization temperatures on the carbon fiber structure were investigated. In addition, the morphology of the prepared carbon fibers was determined by scanning electron microscope and transmission electron microscope. Structural ratio of graphite to carbon amorphous structure was analyzed by Raman spectroscopy technique. According to the applications, the prepared carbon fibers were mixed in a 316L stainless steel powder and formed at a sintering at temperature of 1300 ° C for 45 minutes. The sample would be tested for tensile strength according to JIS Z2241 standard compared with a stainless-steel sample mixed with graphite powder. It was found that the carbon fibers prepared at high carbonization temperatures tended to obtain a higher graphite structure than carbon fibers prepared at low temperatures. In addition, the tensile strength of carbon fiber-alloyed stainless steels prepared at high carbonization temperatures was higher than that of carbon-fiber-alloyed stainless steels prepared at low carbonization temperatures and stainless steel mixed with graphite powder.

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